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Program Actitivies available in this Package


Eearly Australian - Diggers & Coppers on the Goldfields

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Eearly Australian - Diggers & Coppers on the Goldfields

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Eearly Australia - Clothing and Etiquette of the 19thC

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Eearly Australia - Bushrangers

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Eearly Australia - Indiginouse Aboriginal Perspective (coming soon)

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Early Australian Program Outline

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Best for...

What events or venues is this program best used for?

What events or venues is this program best used for?


Requirments booking of this Program

 What is required of the customer or venue for this booking.

 What is required of the customer or venue for this booking.


Other Programs Specially Requested

Program Actitivies available in this Package


Renaissance Arms and Armour

Disply and demonstrate Renaissance weapons and armour, and changing technology. Run the student through a pike drill with drum.


Renaissance Costume and Lifestyle

Like our Medieval Costume and Lifestyle but focusing more on Renaissance fashions.


Renaissance Games

Similar to our Medieval Games but we look at Boche and other Renaissance relevant entertainment. 


Renaissance Music and Dance

Look at Renaissance music and organise the student to dance a Pavan.

Medieval Renaissance Program Outline

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.

Paragraph describing the above subject matter in detail.


Best for...

What events or venues is this program best used for?

What events or venues is this program best used for?


Requirments booking of this Program

 What is required of the customer or venue for this booking.

 What is required of the customer or venue for this booking.


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