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Program Actitivies


The Great War

Students handle and interact with a wide range of primary and secondary sources and items to explore what it was like to be an Australian soldier or nurse in the First World War.
Students identify and analyse contrasting historical perspectives by identifying and analysing propaganda, attitudes to war, soldier’s pay, food, uniform and weapons used by both Australians and their enemies. Following this, artefacts are provided for students to pack a care parcel for a fictional soldier or nurse based upon original letters sent from the front. The focus of this activity is knowledge synthesis through perspective taking.





Program Outline

We explore what it was like to have lived through this horrific conflict and the how perceptions of our involvement have changed over time. Students investigate key aspects of World War I and the Australian experience of war, including the nature and significance of the war in world and Australian history.


This activity is designed for one group of 15 to 35 students. Larger groups can be accommodated on request. Duration of between 60 to 90 minutes is recommended.


Please contact us for a more detailed activity description along with our suggestions on allocating spaces to get the most out of each activity.


Click here for a printable PDF version of this page.



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